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Pastel & Watercolour art workshops

*New Tour coming

10 days,   Friday 22nd March-Mon 1st April 2019



and close to Sofala Australia's Oldest Surviving Gold Town


Lyn Mellady and Julie Goldspink

Julie and Lyn are finalising plans to paint in the fabulous Capertee Valley next March 22 to April 1 (10 days). It is 240 kms west of Sydney and a painters paradise if you love winding river/valley/slopes/rugged escarpments/ and being in one of the favoured painting territory of many of Australia’s professional artists, it’s a place to spend good painting time.

Two expert tutors, allow you to work in your preferred medium or change at will. You do not have to choose in advance. Both are there to help you gain the most from your travelling art holiday. Bring your watercolours or pastels or both, plus a travel sketch book and camera. You are ready for everything. You will be able to paint, sketch and photograph 'til you run out of light or simply watch the demonstrations and enjoy the company, food and holiday.

Simply drop us an email to register you interest,

I'm interested

About Your Tutors:

Lyn Mellady – is best known for her river and seascapes in pastel and oil. She is a trained teacher, whose travels were the start of her desire to bring home more than photos - this was the beginning of her painting career. Since 1980 her work has not only won many awards and recognition, but sharing her knowledge with tutoring has become her perfect mix. Lyn has five paintings in government collections; is a member of Fusion Six portrait artists, whose exhibition traveled to 3 regional galleries across Australia.  Lyn is an art judge and ex AGRA president who established the Australian Art Excellence Awards with the backing of Terri Dodd and Australian Artist in 2000. Her most recent article was published in the Australian Artist Magazine in Jan. 2018.

Julie Goldspink – artist, travels frequently to workshops Australia wide. She has many followers Australia wide who love her watercolours and teaching.  Tutoring in watercolour and mixed media, with extensive knowledge in most mediums, Julie loves to paint land, rivers, sea or flowers – wherever the light falls. Featured on Graeme Stevenson’s Put Some Colour in Your Life. Her most recent article was published in the Australian Artist Magazine in Dec 2017.

Memories from 2018 tour to Metung